"the LOMA solves the fundamental roots and theory of pain
through proven clinical diagnosis and treatment via traditional and scientific procedure"

In Oriental Medicine, pain is perceived as a result of poor body flow. This bad flow can be caused by problem from the intestines or by injury, accident or exercise. Treatment can be done efficiently if you know the cause of the pain.

Acute & Chronic Pain

Acute & Chronic Pain

Spinal Neuro-muscular pain
Joint pain
Post-operative pain Syndrome
Myofacial pain Syndrome
Injury related to sports, work, automobile, personal, etc

Posture Fixture

Posture Fixture

Flat feet, Angular deformity
Rotated Pelvic
Rounded Shoulder
Straight Neck syndrome
Forward Head posture, etc

Unspecified Disorder Syndrome

Unspecified Disorder Syndrome

Pain related mental disorder
Unspecified pain